master(主干分支) 是指向指定分支的最近一次提交;
dev 是指向dev分支的最近一次提交;
head 一定是指向某个分支的,head表示 映射了当前工作目录当中所反映的最近一次提交;即 head始终指向活动分支的最近一次提交;
不能以 "-" 开头;
以位于 "/" 后面的组件,不能以 "." 开头;
不能使用连续的 "...";
不能使用空白字符" ";
不能使用"^","~","?","*","[" 等符号
★git branch :列出,创建及删除分支
git branch -d BRANCH_NAME 删除分支
★git show-branch:查看分支及其相关的提交
★git checkout
git checkout
演示1:git 创建分支
[root@node1 test]# ls first.sh INSTALL readmin subdir [root@node1 test]# git branch --list * master # 带"*"表示当前分支 [root@node1 test]# git log commit 3c0b6864718ec8f8aebb5b66fbfd65b757504169 (HEAD -> master) Author: watao演示2:git show-branch 查看分支
# git show-branch 查看具体的分支信息 [root@node1 test]# git show-branch ! [bug/first] v1.1 ! [dev] v1.0 * [master] v1.1 --- + * [bug/first] v1.1 ++* [dev] v1.0 [root@node1 test]# git show-branch dev [dev] v1.0 [root@node1 test]# [root@node1 test]# git show-branch bug/first [bug/first] v1.1演示3:git checkout BRANCH_NAME 切换分支
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout dev #切换分支 Switched to branch 'dev' [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# git branch --list bug/first * dev master [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch ! [bug/first] v1.1 * [dev] v1.0 ! [master] v1.1 --- + + [bug/first] v1.1 +*+ [dev] v1.0 [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# git log commit 5d4298d6fdcbb6276e69f002e7148210124e52d9 (HEAD -> dev) Author: watao演示4:git checkout -d BRANCH_NAME 删除分支
[root@node1 taotao]# git branch -d bug/first Deleted branch bug/first (was 5685269). [root@node1 taotao]# git branch --list dev * master1.分支合并--git merge
git checkout master; 检出到主分支
git status 检查是否有未提交的信息
git merge BRANCH_NAME 从他们的版本合并到我们的版本
git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit 以图形的方式查看
解决完成之后:git add ---> git commit
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
[root@node1 taotao]# git branch --list dev * master [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# git merge dev Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy. first.sh | 1 + second.sh | 2 ++ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+) create mode 100644 second.sh [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# git status On branch master nothing to commit, working tree clean [root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch ! [dev] v1.1.1-dev * [master] Merge branch 'dev' -- - [master] Merge branch 'dev' +* [dev] v1.1.1-dev [root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit * 43d8e9a (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'dev' |\ | * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev | * 587719d v1.1-dev * | 5685269 v1.1 |/ * 5d4298d v1.0 * b918244 v0.0.2 * 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1演示2:有冲突的合并
[root@node1 taotao]# echo "taotaohuihui" > my.txt [root@node1 taotao]# git add my.txt [root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v2.0" [master 1df3da7] v2.0 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 my.txt [root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit * 1df3da7 (HEAD -> master) v2.0 # 新创建的提交 * 43d8e9a Merge branch 'dev' |\ | * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev | * 587719d v1.1-dev * | 5685269 v1.1 |/ * 5d4298d v1.0 * b918244 v0.0.2 * 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1 [root@node1 taotao]# git branch dev fatal: A branch named 'dev' already exists. #dev分支存在不能创建相同的,实际上可以删除了,因为已经合并到master分支上去了 [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# git branch fotfix # 在master 2.0 的基础上常见fotfix分支 [root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch ! [dev] v1.1.1-dev ! [fotfix] v2.0 * [master] v2.0 --- +* [fotfix] v2.0 -- [fotfix^] Merge branch 'dev' ++* [dev] v1.1.1-dev [root@node1 taotao]# echo "third line" >> first.sh # 修改master分支的内容 [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" third line [root@node1 taotao]# git add first.sh [root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v2.1" [master 697a6c5] v2.1 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) [root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch ! [dev] v1.1.1-dev ! [fotfix] v2.0 * [master] v2.1 --- * [master] v2.1 +* [fotfix] v2.0 -- [fotfix^] Merge branch 'dev' ++* [dev] v1.1.1-dev [root@node1 taotao]# git checkout fotfix #切换到fotfix分支 Switched to branch 'fotfix' [root@node1 taotao]# ls first.sh INSTALL my.txt readmin second.sh subdir [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# echo "new line" >> first.sh # 编辑first文件并提交 [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" new line [root@node1 taotao]# git add first.sh [root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v2.0-1" [fotfix 26b42ef] v2.0-1 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) [root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch ! [dev] v1.1.1-dev * [fotfix] v2.0-1 ! [master] v2.1 --- * [fotfix] v2.0-1 + [master] v2.1 *+ [fotfix^] v2.0 -- [fotfix~2] Merge branch 'dev' +*+ [dev] v1.1.1-dev # 切回主分支,然后合并 fotfix分支,发现报错,即内容发生冲突。需手动修复冲突后再合并 [root@node1 taotao]# git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# git merge fotfix Auto-merging first.sh CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in first.sh Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. 不能合并成功的文件,发现三个版本中 first.sh 内容各不相同 [root@node1 taotao]# git ls-files INSTALL first.sh first.sh first.sh my.txt readmin second.sh subdir/1.txt [root@node1 taotao]# [root@node1 taotao]# git ls-files --unmerged 100644 816a1b1e686cf6adb716b10e1a9eed870b2f18fa 1first.sh # "1" 表示合并基础 100644 3adec3b3bf2616c52eaba36bd8af2e79e9ef6495 2first.sh # "2" 表示我们的版本 100644 e45ccd5a231f9debdd84ffd621cdc3acfc8d15f1 3first.sh # "3" 表示他们的版本 [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" <<<<<<< HEAD third line ======= new line >>>>>>> fotfix [root@node1 taotao]# git diff diff --cc first.sh index 3adec3b,e45ccd5..0000000 --- a/first.sh +++ b/first.sh @@@ -1,4 -1,4 +1,8 @@@ #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" ++<<<<<<< HEAD "<<<<"或">>>>>"为三方合并标记,由2个 ++ 开头 +third line #为主分支最近一次提交的内容 ++======= + new line ++>>>>>>> fotfix #为其他版本最近一次提交的内容 #直接在冲突文件的基础上修改即可,如想要都保留的话就把"三方合并标记"给删除 [root@node1 taotao]# vim first.sh [root@node1 taotao]# git diff diff --cc first.sh index 3adec3b,e45ccd5..0000000 --- a/first.sh +++ b/first.sh @@@ -1,4 -1,4 +1,5 @@@ #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" +third line #新加的两行 + new line [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" third line new line #修改好之后重新添加到索引并提交 [root@node1 taotao]# git add first.sh [root@node1 taotao]# git commit #出现内容提示,保存即可 [master dd73764] Merge branch 'fotfix' [root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit * dd73764 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'fotfix' |\ | * 26b42ef (fotfix) v2.0-1 * | 697a6c5 v2.1 |/ * 1df3da7 v2.0 * 43d8e9a Merge branch 'dev' |\ | * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev | * 587719d v1.1-dev * | 5685269 v1.1 |/ * 5d4298d v1.0 * b918244 v0.0.2 * 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1演示3:回到合并之前的版本
#回到合并之前的版本 [root@node1 taotao]# git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD HEAD is now at 697a6c5 v2.1 [root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit * 697a6c5 (HEAD -> master) v2.1 * 1df3da7 v2.0 * 43d8e9a Merge branch 'dev' |\ | * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev | * 587719d v1.1-dev * | 5685269 v1.1 |/ * 5d4298d v1.0 * b918244 v0.0.2 * 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1 [root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch ! [dev] v1.1.1-dev ! [fotfix] v2.0-1 * [master] v2.1 --- + [fotfix] v2.0-1 * [master] v2.1 +* [fotfix^] v2.0 -- [fotfix~2] Merge branch 'dev' ++* [dev] v1.1.1-dev [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" third line #原来的文件还在 [root@node1 taotao]# git checkout fotfix Switched to branch 'fotfix' [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" new line #原来的文件还在1.git变基分支合并--git rebase
$ git checkout dev : 首先切换到要变基的分支;
$ git rebase master: 把他的基从最近一次的共同祖先提交转换为master的最新提交;
$ git checkout master :回到master分支;
$ git merge -m "MSG" :master 获取新的提交。
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' [root@node1 taotao]# ls first.sh INSTALL my.txt readmin second.sh subdir [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" third line [root@node1 taotao]# vim first.sh [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #编辑文件先解决冲突,以便于演示git变基操作 #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" #再次提交一次 [root@node1 taotao]# git add first.sh [root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v2.2" [master 7961be2] v2.2 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) [root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit * 7961be2 (HEAD -> master) v2.2 * 697a6c5 v2.1 * 1df3da7 v2.0 * 43d8e9a Merge branch 'dev' |\ | * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev | * 587719d v1.1-dev * | 5685269 v1.1 |/ * 5d4298d v1.0 * b918244 v0.0.2 * 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1 #切换到要变基的分支 [root@node1 taotao]# git checkout fotfix Switched to branch 'fotfix' [root@node1 taotao]# ls first.sh INSTALL my.txt readmin second.sh subdir [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" new line # 新增加的一行 #执行变基操作,表示把当前 fotfix的基变为master分支的最近一次提交 [root@node1 taotao]# git rebase master First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Applying: v2.0-1 [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" new line [root@node1 taotao]# git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" # 此时没有新行,需执行合并操作 [root@node1 taotao]# git merge fotfix Updating 7961be2..3eaaead Fast-forward # 快进合并 first.sh | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) [root@node1 taotao]# cat first.sh #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" echo "new date" new line [root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit * 3eaaead (HEAD -> master, fotfix) v2.0-1 * 7961be2 v2.2 * 697a6c5 v2.1 * 1df3da7 v2.0 * 43d8e9a Merge branch 'dev' |\ | * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev | * 587719d v1.1-dev * | 5685269 v1.1 |/ * 5d4298d v1.0 * b918244 v0.0.2 * 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1另外有需要云服务器可以了解下创新互联cdcxhl.cn,海内外云服务器15元起步,三天无理由+7*72小时售后在线,公司持有idc许可证,提供“云服务器、裸金属服务器、高防服务器、香港服务器、美国服务器、虚拟主机、免备案服务器”等云主机租用服务以及企业上云的综合解决方案,具有“安全稳定、简单易用、服务可用性高、性价比高”等特点与优势,专为企业上云打造定制,能够满足用户丰富、多元化的应用场景需求。