怎么在ASP.NET MVC4中实现一个异步聊天室?针对这个问题,这篇文章详细介绍了相对应的分析和解答,希望可以帮助更多想解决这个问题的小伙伴找到更简单易行的方法。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MvcAsyncChat.Domain { public interface IChatRoom { void AddMessage(string message); void AddParticipant(string name); void GetMessages( DateTime since, Action, DateTime> callback); void RemoveParticipant(string name); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MvcAsyncChat.Domain { public interface IMessageRepo { DateTime Add(string message); IEnumerableGetSince(DateTime since); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MvcAsyncChat.Domain { public interface ICallbackQueue { void Enqueue(Action, DateTime> callback); IEnumerable , DateTime>> DequeueAll(); IEnumerable , DateTime>> DequeueExpired(DateTime expiry); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using MvcAsyncChat.Svcs; namespace MvcAsyncChat.Domain { public class ChatRoom : IChatRoom { readonly ICallbackQueue callbackQueue; readonly IDateTimeSvc dateTimeSvc; readonly IMessageRepo messageRepo; public ChatRoom( ICallbackQueue callbackQueue, IDateTimeSvc dateTimeSvc, IMessageRepo messageRepo) { this.callbackQueue = callbackQueue; this.dateTimeSvc = dateTimeSvc; this.messageRepo = messageRepo; } public void AddMessage(string message) { var timestamp = messageRepo.Add(message); foreach (var callback in callbackQueue.DequeueAll()) callback(new[] { message }, timestamp); } public void AddParticipant(string name) { AddMessage(string.Format("{0} 已进入房间.", name)); } public void GetMessages( DateTime since, Action, DateTime> callback) { var messages = messageRepo.GetSince(since); if (messages.Count() > 0) callback(messages, since); else callbackQueue.Enqueue(callback); } public void RemoveParticipant(string name) { AddMessage(string.Format("{0} left the room.", name)); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace MvcAsyncChat.Domain { public class InMemMessageRepo : IMessageRepo { public InMemMessageRepo() { Messages = new List>(); } public IList > Messages { get; private set; } public DateTime Add(string message) { var timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; Messages.Add(new Tuple (message, timestamp)); return timestamp; } public IEnumerable GetSince(DateTime since) { return Messages .Where(x => x.Item2 > since) .Select(x => x.Item1); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace MvcAsyncChat.Domain { public class CallbackQueue : ICallbackQueue { public CallbackQueue() { Callbacks = new Queue, DateTime>, DateTime>>(); } public Queue , DateTime>, DateTime>> Callbacks { get; private set; } public void Enqueue(Action , DateTime> callback) { Callbacks.Enqueue(new Tuple , DateTime>, DateTime>(callback, DateTime.UtcNow)); } public IEnumerable , DateTime>> DequeueAll() { while (Callbacks.Count > 0) yield return Callbacks.Dequeue().Item1; } public IEnumerable , DateTime>> DequeueExpired(DateTime expiry) { if (Callbacks.Count == 0) yield break; var oldest = Callbacks.Peek(); while (Callbacks.Count > 0 && oldest.Item2 <= expiry) { yield return Callbacks.Dequeue().Item1; if (Callbacks.Count > 0) oldest = Callbacks.Peek(); } } } }
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; namespace MvcAsyncChat.RequestModels { public class EnterRequest { [DisplayName("名称")] [Required, StringLength(16), RegularExpression(@"^[A-Za-z0-9_\ -]+$", ErrorMessage="A name must be alpha-numeric.")] public string Name { get; set; } } }
using System; namespace MvcAsyncChat.RequestModels { public class GetMessagesRequest { public string since { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; namespace MvcAsyncChat.RequestModels { public class SayRequest { [Required, StringLength(1024), DataType(DataType.MultilineText)] public string Text { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MvcAsyncChat.ResponseModels { public class GetMessagesResponse { public string error { get; set; } public IEnumerablemessages { get; set; } public string since { get; set; } } }
using System; namespace MvcAsyncChat.ResponseModels { public class SayResponse { public string error { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Mvc.Async; using MvcAsyncChat.Domain; using MvcAsyncChat.RequestModels; using MvcAsyncChat.ResponseModels; using MvcAsyncChat.Svcs; namespace MvcAsyncChat.Controllers { public class ChatController : AsyncController { readonly IAuthSvc authSvc; readonly IChatRoom chatRoom; readonly IDateTimeSvc dateTimeSvc; public ChatController( IAuthSvc authSvc, IChatRoom chatRoom, IDateTimeSvc dateTimeSvc) { this.authSvc = authSvc; this.chatRoom = chatRoom; this.dateTimeSvc = dateTimeSvc; } [ActionName("enter"), HttpGet] public ActionResult ShowEnterForm() { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) return RedirectToRoute(RouteName.Room); return View(); } [ActionName("enter"), HttpPost] public ActionResult EnterRoom(EnterRequest enterRequest) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) return View(enterRequest); authSvc.Authenticate(enterRequest.Name); chatRoom.AddParticipant(enterRequest.Name); return RedirectToRoute(RouteName.Room); } [ActionName("room"), HttpGet, Authorize] public ActionResult ShowRoom() { return View(); } [ActionName("leave"), HttpGet, Authorize] public ActionResult LeaveRoom() { authSvc.Unauthenticate(); chatRoom.RemoveParticipant(User.Identity.Name); return RedirectToRoute(RouteName.Enter); } [HttpPost, Authorize] public ActionResult Say(SayRequest sayRequest) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) return Json(new SayResponse() { error = "该请求无效." }); chatRoom.AddMessage(User.Identity.Name+" 说:"+sayRequest.Text); return Json(new SayResponse()); } [ActionName("messages"), HttpPost, Authorize] public void GetMessagesAsync(GetMessagesRequest getMessagesRequest) { AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Increment(); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { AsyncManager.Parameters["error"] = "The messages request was invalid."; AsyncManager.Parameters["since"] = null; AsyncManager.Parameters["messages"] = null; AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement(); return; } var since = dateTimeSvc.GetCurrentDateTimeAsUtc(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(getMessagesRequest.since)) since = DateTime.Parse(getMessagesRequest.since).ToUniversalTime(); chatRoom.GetMessages(since, (newMessages, timestamp) => { AsyncManager.Parameters["error"] = null; AsyncManager.Parameters["since"] = timestamp; AsyncManager.Parameters["messages"] = newMessages; AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement(); }); } public ActionResult GetMessagesCompleted( string error, DateTime? since, IEnumerablemessages) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error)) return Json(new GetMessagesResponse() { error = error }); var data = new GetMessagesResponse(); data.since = since.Value.ToString("o"); data.messages = messages; return Json(data); } } }
var since = "", errorCount = 0, MAX_ERRORS = 6; function addMessage(message, type) { $("#messagesSection > td").append("" + message + "") } function showError(error) { addMessage(error.toString(), "error"); } function onSayFailed(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { showError("An unanticipated error occured during the say request: " + textStatus + "; " + errorThrown); } function onSay(data) { if (data.error) { showError("An error occurred while trying to say your message: " + data.error); return; } } function setSayHandler() { $("#Text").keypress(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { $("#sayForm").submit(); $("#Text").val(""); return false; } }); } function retryGetMessages() { if (++errorCount > MAX_ERRORS) { showError("There have been too many errors. Please leave the chat room and re-enter."); } else { setTimeout(function () { getMessages(); }, Math.pow(2, errorCount) * 1000); } } function onMessagesFailed(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { showError("An unanticipated error occured during the messages request: " + textStatus + "; " + errorThrown); retryGetMessages(); } function onMessages(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { if (data.error) { showError("An error occurred while trying to get messages: " + data.error); retryGetMessages(); return; } errorCount = 0; since = data.since; for (var n = 0; n < data.messages.length; n++) addMessage(data.messages[n]); setTimeout(function () { getMessages(); }, 0); } function getMessages() { $.ajax({ cache: false, type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "/messages", data: { since: since }, error: onMessagesFailed, success: onMessages, timeout: 100000 }); }
@model MvcAsyncChat.RequestModels.EnterRequest @{ View.Title = "Enter"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } @section Head {}@section PostScript { } [MVC聊天]是使用ASP.NET MVC 3的异步聊天室
@using MvcAsyncChat; @using MvcAsyncChat.RequestModels; @model SayRequest @{ View.Title = "Room"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } @section Head { }@section PostScript { } @using (Ajax.BeginForm("say", new { }, new AjaxOptions() { OnFailure = "onSayFailed", OnSuccess = "onSay", HttpMethod = "POST", }, new { id = "sayForm"})) { @Html.EditorForModel() }
- @Html.RouteLink("离开房间", RouteName.Leave)
关于怎么在ASP.NET MVC4中实现一个异步聊天室问题的解答就分享到这里了,希望以上内容可以对大家有一定的帮助,如果你还有很多疑惑没有解开,可以关注创新互联行业资讯频道了解更多相关知识。