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智能优化算法 神经网络预测 雷达通信 无线传感器
信号处理 图像处理 路径规划 元胞自动机 无人机 电力系统
⛄ 部分代码function [dog1, dog2, doog21, doog22, doog23, doog24, doog25, doog26] = doog(hsize);
% Difference of Offset Gaussian and Difference of Gaussian Filters
% for Texture Segmentation.
% Based on work by Jitendra Malik and Pietro Perona, "Preattentive texture
% discrimination with early vision mechanisms," J. Optical Soc. America,
% Vol 7, No 5, May 1990.
% (c) 2003 by Rajas Sambhare
% ECE 738 - Final Project
% Spring 2003
% Common parameters
g = 'gaussian'; % Filter type
% Filter 1. Difference of Gaussian 2
sigmaratio = hsize/8*[0.62, 1, 1.6];
sumratio = -[1, -2, 1];
dog2 = sumratio(1)*fspecial(g, hsize, sigmaratio(1)) + ...
sumratio(2)*fspecial(g, hsize, sigmaratio(2)) + ...
sumratio(3)*fspecial(g, hsize, sigmaratio(3));
% Filter 2. Difference of Gaussian 1
sigmaratio = hsize/8*[0.71, 1, 1.14];
sumratio = [1, -1];
dog1 = sumratio(1)*fspecial(g, hsize, sigmaratio(1)) + ...
sumratio(2)*fspecial(g, hsize, sigmaratio(3));
% Remaining filters
aspect = 3; % Fixed aspect ratio of remaining filters.
% Filter 3.
sigmaratio = [1, 1*aspect];
sumratio = [-1, 2, -1];
doog21 = sumratio(1)*gaussian(0, sigmaratio(1), sigmaratio(1), sigmaratio(2), hsize) + ...
sumratio(2)*gaussian(0, 0, sigmaratio(1), sigmaratio(2), hsize) + ...
sumratio(1)*gaussian(0, -sigmaratio(1), sigmaratio(1), sigmaratio(2), hsize);
% Filter 4. Transpose filter 3 to get filter 4
doog22 = doog21';
% Filter 5, 6, 7, 8. Rotate filter 2 (and flip) %%%TODO renumber doogs%%%
doog23 = imrotate(doog21, -30, 'bicubic', 'crop');
doog24 = imrotate(doog21, -60, 'bicubic', 'crop');
doog25 = flipud(doog23);
doog26 = flipud(doog24);
% Display the filters
% figure,
% subplot(3,3,1), mesh(dog2), title('1');
% subplot(3,3,2), mesh(dog1), title('2');
% subplot(3,3,4), mesh(doog21), title('3');
% subplot(3,3,5), mesh(doog22), title('4');
% subplot(3,3,6), mesh(doog23), title('5');
% subplot(3,3,7), mesh(doog24), title('6');
% subplot(3,3,8), mesh(doog25), title('7');
% subplot(3,3,9), mesh(doog26), title('8');
% %
% figure,
% subplot(3,3,1), imscshow(dog2), title('1');
% subplot(3,3,2), imscshow(dog1), title('2');
% subplot(3,3,4), imscshow(doog21), title('3');
% subplot(3,3,5), imscshow(doog22), title('4');
% subplot(3,3,6), imscshow(doog23), title('5');
% subplot(3,3,7), imscshow(doog24), title('6');
% subplot(3,3,8), imscshow(doog25), title('7');
% subplot(3,3,9), imscshow(doog26), title('8');
% %
% imwrite(rescalegray(dog2), 'dog2.png');
% imwrite(rescalegray(dog1), 'dog1.png');
% imwrite(rescalegray(doog21), 'doog1.png');
% imwrite(rescalegray(doog22), 'doog2.png');
% imwrite(rescalegray(doog23), 'doog3.png');
% imwrite(rescalegray(doog24), 'doog4.png');
% imwrite(rescalegray(doog25), 'doog5.png');
% imwrite(rescalegray(doog26), 'doog6.png');
⛄ 运行结果[1] Baseline JPEG and JPEG2000 Artifacts Illustrated, Aleks Jakulin, 2002, URI: http://ai.fri.uni-lj.si/~aleks/jpeg/artifacts.html
[2] S. Yang, Y. H. Hu, D. L. Tull, and T. Q. Nguyen, “Maximum likelihood parameter estimation for image ringing artifact removal,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 11, no. 8, August, 2001, pp. 963-973.
[3] A. Nosratinia, “Post-Processing of JPEG-2000 Images to Remove Compression Artifacts,” to appear in IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
[4] S. H. Oguz, T. Q. Nguyen, and Y. H. Hu, “Critical quantization decisions in transform coding and blocking artifacts,” Proc. ISCAS'99, Orlando, FL, pp. 63.19, 1999.
[5] S. Yang, Y. H. Hu, and D. L. Tull, “Blocking artifact removal using robust statistics and line process,” IEEE Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 1999.
[6] S. Yang and Y. H. Hu, “Block Effect Removal using Regularization and Dithering,” Proc. ICIP'98, Chicago, IL, pp. 346-349, 1998.
[7] R. Krishnamurthy, J. W. Wood, and J. M. Francos, “Adaptive restoration of textured images with mixed spectra,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 5, pp. 648-652, 1996.
[8] Y. H. Hu and R. Sambhare, “Constrained Texture Synthesis for Image Post Processing”, ICASSP '03, Hong Kong, 2003.
[9] J. Malik and P. Perona, “Preattentive texture discrimination mechanisms with early visio mechanisms”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. Vol 7, No. 5, May 1990
[10] R. Duda, P. Hart, and H. Stork, “Pattern Classification,” Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY, 2 ed., 2000.
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